
Conférences avec Jason Simard | 13 Villes Sud France du 18 juillet au 04 Août

Boutique DHARMA | Petit Nalanda POSTER Calm-Abiding Meditation Poster

Calm-Abiding Meditation Poster

Boutique DHARMA | Petit Nalanda
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 This small poster is made in a very good plastic quality and just great to fit in our meditation space at home. Its purpose is to not forget the meditation stages.


Watch out our complete training & learning sessions to Calm-Abiding Meditation in several regions (2 days initiation or 5 days introduction or advance). Courses can be given on special request to the Center.

Tibetan Buddhist Philosophy

Our current world witnessed the birth of Buddhism approximately two thousand five hundred and fifty years ago. It was at this time, in fact, that the incomparable and compassionate Teacher taught at the centre of our planet, in the sacred land of India. In his great kindness and with perfect equanimity, he turned the wheel of Dharma in an extraordinary manner for all beings, knowing precisely how to adapt the teachings to the different personalities and interests of his students. Hence, he transmitted the teachings of the three “baskets” (the Vinaya, Sutra, and Abhidharma) which contain respectively the instructions for the practice of the three higher trainings in ethics, concentration, and  wisdom.

These teachings were transmitted to Maitreya and Manjushri, and respectively to Asanga and Nagarjuna, who then transmitted them to the two learned Lamas, Serlingpa (Suvarnadvipi-Dharmakirti of the Golden Isles) and Rikpekouyouk (Vidyakokila the Elder). These two teaching lineages were later united in the glorious and incomparable Indian master, Atisha Dipamkara, who for seventeen years devoted himself to the Dharma and the people of Tibet. He in turn transmitted the teachings to his principal spiritual son, the Tibetan master Dromtonpa. These instructions outlined the basic fundamentals of every path, namely calm-abiding and special insight. These were then carefully preserved and passed on in an uninterrupted lineage of masters to the great pioneer Lama Tsongkhapa, founder of an excellent tradition that remains very much alive today.

It is well known that the primary purpose of the Buddha’s teaching is to attain enlightenment by practicing two forms of meditation: concentration meditation and analytical meditation. The first aims at achieving calm-abiding (samatha), while the second aspires to gaining special insight (vipashyana).

A mind that is pacified while abiding in single-pointed concentration is referred to as the state of calm-abiding. When such a state is attained, special insight becomes possible. This particular form of wisdom, when coupled with the bliss of meditative suppleness induced by the power of analysis, is capable of discerning every phenomenon.

In other words, calm-abiding is the temporary cessation of mental disruptions in the mind. By calming the mind, it becomes clearer. This allows the profound analysis of special insight to completely eliminate the very root of these mental disruptions.

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Centre Paramita de Retraites, d'Etudes et de Pratiques de la Méditation et de la Philosophie Bouddhiste Tibétaine